Would you like to access your business value while continue managing its future?

Would you like to access your business value while continue managing its future?

Are you a successful business owner in mining or construction?

Are you looking to access the largest government and private contracts?

Would you like to receive in cash your business value while managing the future of your business? And at the same time, see your personal liability disparear?

With us, talented companies are incentivised to accelerate their growth trajectory using the resources of a publicly-listed corporation including expertise, skill transfer of best in class practices, cross selling to other group companies and where appropriate, zero cost funding for new growth projects.

We invest in ethical, sustainable and profitable businesses and its owner. We recognize and reward all your blood, sweat and tears. This will be a game-changer for your business.

Small and medium businesses represent 50% of GDP in most developed countries but hardly have access to investment.

What if you were able to have all the benefits of a big public company but without the costs and challenges of listing yourself?

What if you were able to join a group of like minded business owners, allowing you to open doors which until now have been closed?

The modern construction regulations require that each building or floor has at least two doors, preferably in opposite directions. Why? Because, if something happens and the occupants need to leave quickly, there is an exit close. When you look at the scenario, it increases your safety and it is just common sense.

The same logic applies when owning or running a business: having an exit strategy is a common-sense step that brings peace of mind and that should be planned at the beginning to reduce the risk. What is your exit strategy?